Contact Bellaugello
- Fraz. Valdichiascio 10, 06024 Gubbio (PG), Italia
- +39.353 4677583
- P. IVA: 03922190545
If you have enough information you can book your stay yourself. By clicking the button below you will be redirected to our booking service. Enter your dates and you will see availability, prices, photos and descriptions of the Suites, our full booking terms, and you can make a booking. It is very user-friendly.
Any other requests? Don't hesitate to ask - we are happy to be of service
How to find us
Perugia as well as the Fossato di Vico train station are the closest ones to Bellaugello and have regular connections with several European major cities, also with the awesome Italian high speed trains, the Frecce. As an incentive to visit with this sustainable mode of transport, expect an additional welcome surprise when arriving.
We can organize a car and driver to meet you at the station, please ask for further details.
Click here for timetable and ticket purchase on Italian railways.
The closest airports are Perugia (35min) and Ancona (70min). Perugia and Ancona are well connected to many european destinations, e.g. UK, Germany and Benelux, as well as to different airports in Southern Europe.
The international airports of Florence (140min), Bologna and Rome (160min each) are also close enough to reach Bellaugello in a few hours drive.
The easiest way is to put „Bellaugello“ into Google maps and you will easily find your way.
From the North: Take the Autostrada Adriatica (A 14) to the Fano exit, then follow the signs to Gubbio and Perugia (SS 73bis, SP 3, SS 452). From Gubbio, take the SR 298 („Strada Eugubina“) to Mengara and drive left into Valdichiascio.
From Rom and the Southwest: Take the Autostrada del Sole (A 1/E 35) to the Orte exit, then the E 45 passing Perugia and leave at Bosco for the SR 298 („Strada Eugubina“). At Mengara, drive to the right hand side into Valdichiascio.
From Tuscany and the West: Take the Autostrada del Sole (A 1/E 35) to the Bettolle junction, then Autostradale 6 passing Perugia and leave at Bosco for the SR 298 („Strada Eugubina“). At Mengara, drive to the right hand side into Valdichiascio.
From Puglia and the Southeast: Take the SS 16 along the Adriatic coast to the Ancona exit, then follow the signs to Gubbio and Perugia (SS 76, SS 219). From Gubbio, take the SR 298 („Strada Eugubina“) to Mengara and drive left into Valdichiascio.